Levi – A Birth Story
It wasn’t my idea to get pregnant. We were on vacation, taking a walk along the beach, when my husband nonchalantly said he had had a dream the previous night that we had a little boy. “I was throwing him up in the air and catching up, and everyone loved him,” he said. I wasn’t sure how to receive this information, and am not sure what I said in response, but I saw a vision of the scene playing out before me, my husband tossing up a small child in the air, laughing and smiling. I smiled for a moment, too, until Kevin said, “Let’s have a baby.” An…
8 Reasons why Natural Childbirth is Worth it
We are a part of a culture that perpetuates the narrative that birth is scary, that women are dependent on the experts to bring a baby into the world, and that a woman should accept all interventions at the advice of said experts. Unfortunately, the increase of interventions has increased the incidence of negative outcomes. There are, of course, situations in which intervention is necessary and life-saving. But for most women, a natural birth - a vaginal birth void of conventional interventions - could lead to a more positive birth experience. The caveat? One must be ready and willing to embrace the pain. Which is hard. Believe me, I know:…