Levi – A Birth Story
It wasn’t my idea to get pregnant. We were on vacation, taking a walk along the beach, when my husband nonchalantly said he had had a dream the previous night that we had a little boy. “I was throwing him up in the air and catching up, and everyone loved him,” he said. I wasn’t sure how to receive this information, and am not sure what I said in response, but I saw a vision of the scene playing out before me, my husband tossing up a small child in the air, laughing and smiling. I smiled for a moment, too, until Kevin said, “Let’s have a baby.” An…
Lucy – A Birth Story
Her birth was as all births are: paradoxically traumatic and beautiful. I remember laboring in the tub in the rosy glow of a salt lamp, my husband behind me, rubbing my back, whispering quiet encouragement in the dark veil of night. I remember the way the music echoed softly against the tile walls, the gentle swishing of water as I continually repositioned myself, the primal moaning that cadenced with each contraction. We were the only ones delivering in The Birth Center that night, and it was so peaceful and still, like we were the only people in the world who were awake. The midwife periodically snuck into the room, checked…